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Making random choices with some outcomes more likely than others

A more technical way to describe this would be a random choice with discrete non-uniform probability distribution.

Suppose you have the following list of kissing sounds, and you want to pick one at random. But because kiss3.mp3 is a very special kissing sound, you want it to be chosen less often than the other kissing sounds. How do you go about this?

The input

We will start from a list of possible options, and to each item we give a "weight" that says how likely it is to be chosen:

[('kiss1.mp3',3) , ('kiss2.mp3',3) , ('kiss3.mp3',1)]

The above list would mean that out of 7 times, on average, 3 times kiss1.mp3 should be chosen, 3 times kiss2.mp3 should be chosen and only one time kiss3.mp3 should be chosen.

The code

This requires some python code.

       class NonUniformRandom(object):
            def __init__(self, list_of_values_and_probabilities):
                expects a list of [ (value, probability), (value, probability),...]
                self.the_list = list_of_values_and_probabilities
                self.the_sum = sum([ v[1] for v in list_of_values_and_probabilities])

            def pick(self):
                return a random value taking into account the probabilities
                import random
                r = random.uniform(0, self.the_sum)
                s = 0.0
                for k, w in self.the_list:
                    s += w
                    if r < s: return k
                return k

Example using this code

    # initialize our random picker with the options and their likelyhood of being selected:
    n = NonUniformRandom( [('kiss1.mp3', 3), ('kiss2.mp3',3), ('kiss3.mp3',1)] )
    # Now generate a kissing demonstration with 14 kissing sounds
    for i in range(14):