This page is out of date

You've reached a page on the Ren'Py wiki. Due to massive spam, the wiki hasn't been updated in over 5 years, and much of the information here is very out of date. We've kept it because some of it is of historic interest, but all the information relevant to modern versions of Ren'Py has been moved elsewhere.

Some places to look are:

Please do not create new links to this page.

How to add an "about" item to the main menu

First, open up screens.rpy (which is included in all new projects), look for "screen main_menu", add a line like the following in the list of all the other buttons:

textbutton _("About") action ShowMenu("about")

Then, add something like the following anywhere in your project:

screen about:
    tag menu

        style "gm_root"

        style "menu_frame"
        xmargin 10
        ymargin 10
        has side "t c r b"

        label "My visual novel" bottom_margin 10
        viewport id "vp":
            mousewheel True
            has vbox spacing 10

            text "This is my first visual novel, be gentle, thank you. :)"
            text "\
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean \
adipiscing tellus sit amet augue ultrices adipiscing. Suspendisse \
fermentum imperdiet lobortis. Duis non lectus at massa ornare \
tincidunt. Duis ultricies nisi ac elit rhoncus commodo. In nec \
commodo enim. Vivamus luctus rutrum est eget scelerisque. In ligula \
sapien, consectetur et faucibus at, porttitor id dui. Quisque \
aliquam augue faucibus odio ultrices sagittis. Cras odio orci, \
varius sit amet vulputate eleifend, pulvinar ac augue."

        vbar value YScrollValue("vp")
        textbutton "Return to menu":
            action Return()
            top_margin 10

See for more information about screens. If you're adding/removing elements, note that the "side" can be a bit picky; for example, if you remove the label, you need to remove the "t" from the string "t c r b". See for details.

(See page history for an older version which doesn't use screen language.)