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Using a "Noise" Image Dissolve

I first saw this effect done in a game called Moe: Moegi Iro No Machi, as a transition between character images. I found it to be pretty cool, so I tried to emulate it in Ren'Py. It didn't take long; it's pretty simple. This code was tested and confirmed to work on Ren'Py versions 5.6.1 through 5.6.4, but it should work on any version 5.0 or higher release.

I have provided an image to use for this effect: noisetile.png

This image should be placed in your game or data folder, whichever you use for your game data.

This code will work for the demo script included with Ren'Py. It can very easily be modified to fit your game.

    $ noisedissolve = ImageDissolve(im.Tile("noisetile.png"), 1.0, 1)

label start:
    scene bg washington with fade
    show eileen vhappy with noisedissolve

    "Eileen" "Just popping in!"

    hide eileen with noisedissolve

That's all there is to it. It's very simple to implement, and looks cool too. Please note that this effect is not limited to character images; you can show and hide any image or scene with it.