## Events ## ## The actual events that happen during the game phases. ## labels from the male protagonist's perspective are tagged with a 'xy', while ## labels from the female protagonist's perspective are tagged with a 'xx'. ## Opening label cute_meet: "I don't know where I am." scene street with dissolve "I can't remember walking here..." "...and I don't recognize the street." "Everything looks odd, too." "Some things are too sharp, while others are blurry." show fli default at center "A girl bumps into me, but I don't even feel it." "I can't quite make out her features but her eyes are clear..." "...and they're beautiful." show fli embarrassed at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Sorry about that!"' "She smiles, but..." "...wait a minute, she's not looking at me." show fli default at just_right with move show mli default at just_left d '%(mlia)s: "It\'s all right, miss."' "He's blurry too." "And what's with the colors?" "What's wrong with me?" "His eyes are weary, but kind." "She picks up the book he dropped and hands it to him." show fli attracted at just_right with dissolve show mli attracted at just_left with dissolve "Their hands touch, and neither one of them seems willing to let go first." "They don't seem to notice me at all." "It's like I'm not even here..." "...or a ghost." "The girl pulls her hand back." show fli default at just_right with dissolve show mli default at just_left with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Ah, sorry again."' "She turns to go, and I feel suddenly sorry." show mli sad at just_left with dissolve "I have the oddest feeling..." "Somehow I know he doesn't want her to go yet either." d '%(mlia)s: "Wait, do you live around here?"' show mli default at just_left with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "No, I\'m just visiting the city for a few days."' d '"I\'m a doctor."' d '%(mlia)s: "Really? You don\'t look old enough for that!"' show fli amused at just_right with dissolve "She laughs." "I can't see her smile, but I can feel her amusement." d '%(flia)s: "I get that a lot."' hide fli hide mli "They start walking." "They're moving away from me, talking." "I hear him say something, and her laugh in response." "If I don't hurry, I'll lose them, and I..." "...I don't want to be alone." menu: "follow her": $ gen = 'xy' call parse_gender_variables from _call_parse_gender_variables_3 "follow him": $ gen = 'xx' call parse_gender_variables from _call_parse_gender_variables_4 "give up": jump false_ending_one jump expression ("first_shot_" + gen) ## XY ## the player follows her, so gets to inhabit the male protagonist label first_shot_xy: bug "Set player's gender to male (XY)." "Wait!" "I don't hear myself, even though I know I said something." "I want to be next to her, and suddenly..." show fli default at just_right "...I am." "The man steps towards her, but I am in the way." show mli default at just_left "I brace for the collision..." "...and a gunshot rings out, sending him stumbling forward into me." hide mli show fli double at center with flashbulb "For an instant, I see double, as if I am seeing through two sets of eyes..." "...and then..." scene black with dissolve "Everything goes black..." "And it hurts..." scene black with dissolve jump dream_of_angels ## XX ## the player follows him, so gets to inhabit the female protagonist label first_shot_xx: bug "Set player's gender to female (XX)." "Wait!" "I don't hear my voice, but I know I spoke out loud." "I run after them, even though I can't feel my feet against the pavement." "Suddenly, they stop walking, right in front of me." show mli default at just_left show fli default at just_right "I skid to a stop, but it's too late." "I run smack into her." "As if pushed by a breeze, she leans away from me..." "...and I fall towards her." "A gunshot rings out, and I feel the bullet rip through me." hide fli show mli double at center with flashbulb "I see double, as if I am seeing through two sets of eyes..." "...and then..." scene black with dissolve "Everything goes black..." "And it hurts..." jump dream_of_angels label dream_of_angels: $ renpy.pause(2.0) "It's dark again." "I'm starting to get tired of the darkness." scene blue with dissolve show cambill default at RotoZoom(0, 360, 5, 0, 1, 3, rot_anim_timebase=True, rot_bounce=True, opaque=False, xalign=0.5, yalign=0.5) "What is that?" d '%(cambill)s: "...oh dear..."' d '"...this will never do..."' d '"...what a mess..."' d '"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"' "I stare at the talking ball of light." d 'Me: "What -- who are you?"' d '"Where am I?"' d '"What just happened?"' d '"Where did that %(li_gender)s go?"' "The ball of light sighs, and I get the feeling that it's annoyed." d '%(cambill)s: "You wouldn\'t be able to pronounce my full name, so you can call me Cambill."' $ cambill = "Cambill" d '"You\'re... well, you\'re not exactly dead..."' show cambill default "It pauses thoughtfully." show cambill default at Revolve(0, 360, 6) with dissolve d '%(cambill)s: "It would be more accurate to say that you were dead, but now you\'re..."' d '"...not."' "I feel like..." bug "This menu does nothing!" menu: "kicking it": "I glare at it, but it doesn't seem to notice." "crying": "I blink, hard, trying not to let tears fall." "It doesn't seem to notice, or maybe it's just being polite." "running away": "I manage to control the impulse." "Where would I go?" d '%(cambill)s: "You weren\'t supposed to interfere with the mortals, at any rate."' if li_gender == 'girl': d '"He was supposed to be shot, but you somehow got mixed up in that body instead."' d '"You kept it alive, even though the original owner\'s spirit has been sent elsewhere."' $ tmp_string = "That body" else: d '"She wasn\'t supposed to be shot there. He was."' d '"But you changed things by bumping into her."' $ tmp_string = "He" d '"Fortunately for you, The Powers That Be were able to make a tiny adjustment."' d '"You\'ll have just one more chance to make sure things go smoothly."' d '"%(tmp_string)s has a date with fate at dawn, and if you miss that date..."' "His voice is distressed. What dire fate awaits me if I fail?" d '%(cambill)s: "It doesn\'t matter, because it won\'t be a problem, right?"' "Wait a minute -- did I say anything?" $ tmp_string = '' show cambill fade at Revolve(0, 360, 6) with dissolve "Is it my imagination, or is he fading away?" "No... it's getting lighter in here." show grey with dissolve d '%(cambill)s: "Remember, you only have until dawn."' scene white with dissolve "His voice fades away completely, and I open my eyes..." jump expression ('wake_up_' + gen) ## wake up after being shot as the male protagonist label wake_up_xy: scene street with dissolve show fli worried at center d '%(flia)s: "Are you all right?"' "Is she talking to me?" "I don't feel injured at all." "After a pause, I nod." show fli happy at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "I\'m glad to hear that."' show fli default at center with dissolve d '"What did you trip over?"' "I start to tell her I didn't trip, but then stop." "The glowing ball of light had said that I would be given another chance." "Another chance to... die?" "I shrug and dust myself off." "When I look down, I see the clothes the guy from earlier had been wearing." "Where is he now, I wonder?" d '%(flia)s: "What is your name, anyway?"' "I try to think up something, anything, but nothing comes to mind." "And then it suddenly occurs to me, as if I'm just remembering..." "...even though I could have sworn I didn't know it a moment before." $ prot = renpy.input("(Please enter a name for your character.)", default="Max") if prot == "": $ prot = "Max" show fli amused at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "%(prot)s, huh? I like it."' "Her voice is playful, and I'm fairly sure she's teasing me." show fli default at center with dissolve "She seems to be waiting for something, but what?" "Oh!" d 'Me: "What\'s yours?"' show fli amused at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Amelie."' $ flia = "Amelie" show fli default at center "I..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "like it": $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "I think it's a nice name, and that it suits her." "hate it": $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "It doesn't really seem to fit her." "don't care": $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "We stand in silence for a moment." "A silence that seems to get more and more awkward." menu opening_conclusion_menu_xy: "ask on date": d 'Me: "Would you like to go get something to eat?"' "I feel a blush starting." "I hadn't meant to blurt it out like that." show fli attracted at center with dissolve "Her eyes tell me she's considering it." d '%(flia)s: "You know, I think I would."' d '"Meet me at the cafe across from the park in an hour?"' "I manage a nod." show fli happy at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "See you then!"' hide fli "She waves and walks away. What do I do now?" $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" jump keep_date "say good-bye": d 'Me: "I have to go."' "I don't want her to see this body die, if that's what's going to happen." "Besides, maybe if I get away from her, I can..." menu menu_say_goodbye_xy: "keep her safe": $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" pass "avoid fate": pass "": jump menu_say_goodbye_xy show fli sad at center with dissolve "She nods." d '%(flia)s: "It was nice meeting you, %(prot)s."' hide fli "My spine tingles at the way she says my name, but I resolutely turn and walk away." "I don't really know where I'm going." jump chance_meeting "say nothing": if tmp_count == 0: $ tmp_count = 1 show fli default at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Well, I guess... I\'d better get going."' "She doesn't sound like she really wants to, though." jump opening_conclusion_menu_xy show fli sad at center d '%(flia)s: "Well, it was nice meeting you, %(prot)s."' hide fli "I watch her walk away, feeling odd." "Where do I go now?" $ tmp_count = 0 jump chance_meeting ## wake up after being shot as the female protagonist label wake_up_xx: scene street with dissolve show mli worried at center d '%(mlia)s: "Are you all right?"' "Is he talking to me?" "I don't feel injured at all." "After a pause, I nod." show mli happy at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "I\'m glad to hear that."' show mli default at center with dissolve d '"What did you trip over?"' "I start to tell him I didn't trip, but then stop." "The glowing ball of light had said that I would be given another chance." "Did that mean I had to... let him die?" "I dust myself off." "When I look down, I see the clothes the girl from earlier had been wearing." "Where is she now, I wonder?" d '%(mlia)s: "What is your name, anyway?"' "I stutter for a moment, trying to think up something, anything, but nothing comes to mind." "And then it suddenly occurs to me, as if I'm just remembering..." "...even though I could have sworn I didn't know it a moment before." $ prot = renpy.input("(Please enter a name for your character.)", default="Sara") if prot == "": $ prot = "Sara" show mli amused at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "%(prot)s, huh? I like it."' "He sounds serious, but I think perhaps that he's teasing me." show mli default at center with dissolve "He seems to be waiting for something, but what?" "Oh!" d 'Me: "What\'s yours?"' show mli amused at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Edward."' $ mlia = "Edward" show mli default at center with dissolve "I..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "like it": "I think it's a nice name, and that it suits him." $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "hate it": "It doesn't really seem to fit him." $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "don't care": $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "We stand in silence for a moment." "A silence that seems to get more and more awkward." menu opening_conclusion_menu_xx: "ask on date": d 'Me: "Would you like to go get something to eat?"' "I feel a blush starting." "I hadn't meant to blurt it out like that." show mli attracted at center with dissolve "His eyes tell me he's considering it." d '%(mlia)s: "You know, I think I would."' d '"Meet me at the cafe across from the park in an hour?"' "I manage a nod." show mli happy at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "See you then!"' hide mli "He waves and walks away. What do I do now?" $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" jump keep_date "say good-bye": d 'Me: "I have to go."' "Maybe if he gets away from me..." menu menu_say_goodbye_xx: "he'll live": $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" pass "i'll be safe": pass "": jump menu_say_goodbye_xx show mli sad at center with dissolve "He nods." d '%(mlia)s: "It was nice meeting you, %(prot)s."' hide mli "My spine tingles at the way he says my name, but I resolutely turn and walk away." "I don't really know where I'm going." jump chance_meeting "say nothing": if tmp_count == 0: $ tmp_count = 1 d '%(mlia)s: "Well, I guess... I\'d better get going."' "He doesn't sound like he really wants to, though." jump opening_conclusion_menu_xx show mli sad at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Well, it was nice meeting you, %(prot)s."' hide mli at center "I watch him walk away, feeling odd." "Where do I go now?" $ tmp_count = 0 jump chance_meeting ## Early Evening ## pc_loves_li 0:1 label keep_date: $ tmp_count = total_menus * 2 bug "pc_loves_li is %(pc_loves_li)d out of 1" bug "li_loves_pc is %(li_loves_pc)d out of %(tmp_count)d" $ tmp_count = 0 scene black with dissolve show text "Early Evening" with fade $ renpy.pause(3.0) scene cafe outside with dissolve "The park isn't hard to find." "The cafe is right across the street." "I wait in front of it, wondering if I'm making a mistake." "What if %(heshe)s doesn't come?" jump expression ("keep_date_" + gen) label keep_date_xy: "Am I fated to die alone? Or can I change things?" show fli worried at center d '%(flia)s: "You look sad."' d '"I hope you haven\'t changed your mind about dinner with me?"' "She sounds as if she'd genuinely mind, and that makes me feel a little better." "At least I'm not totally alone." "I shake my head." d 'Me: "No, actually. I was hoping you\'d come."' show fli happy at center with dissolve "I hold the door for her." jump date_first_part_xy label keep_date_xx: "Can I save him then?" "Should I even try?" show mli worried at center d '%(mlia)s: "Does that frown mean something is wrong?"' d '"You haven\'t changed your mind about dinner with me?"' "He sounds as if he'd genuinely be sorry, and I smile." "I shake my head." "He's carrying a bouquet of flowers." d '%(mlia)s: "I\'m glad, since I picked these up for you."' "I can hear the grin in his voice as I accept the flowers." show mli amused at center with dissolve d '"Literally, so if you see a park guard looking for me, let me know."' "He's teasing again, and I smile despite myself." show mli happy at center with dissolve "He holds the door for me." jump date_first_part_xx label chance_meeting: $ tmp_count = total_menus * 2 bug "pc_loves_li is %(pc_loves_li)d out of 1" bug "li_loves_pc is %(li_loves_pc)d out of %(tmp_count)d" $ tmp_count = 0 scene black with dissolve show text "Early Evening" with fade $ renpy.pause(3.0) scene grey with dissolve "I just want to find someplace quiet to think." jump expression ("be_invited_" + gen) label be_invited_xy: "I don't want to be dead..." "...but I'm pretty sure I won't like whatever the penalty is for not keeping this body's date with destiny either." "I stand, lost in my thoughts, for a while." "Abruptly, I notice I'm standing in front of a cafe..." scene cafe outside "...and %(flia)s walks up." show fli default at center d '%(flia)s: "%(prot)s? Funny running into you here!"' show fli happy at center with dissolve "Yep, funny, that." d '%(flia)s: "It must be fate."' "I stare at her, shocked." d 'Me: "Yes, it must be."' show fli sad at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "You don\'t sound too happy about that."' d '"I hope it\'s not something I said?"' "I shake my head and manage a smile." show fli happy at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "I\'m glad to hear that!"' d '"But you still look like you need some cheering up."' show fli attracted at center with dissolve d '"I hope you don\'t think this is too forward, but come to dinner with me!"' "I consider it." "If I try to walk away again, I have a feeling I\'ll just end up back here anyway." d 'Me: "I\'d like that."' show fli happy at center with dissolve "To my surprise, I find I mean it." "I don't want to be alone any more." show fli default at center with dissolve "I hold the door open for her." jump date_first_part_xy label be_invited_xx: "I don't want to hurt him..." "...but I'm pretty sure I won't like whatever the penalty is for not making sure he keeps his date with destiny either." "I stand, lost in my thoughts, for a while." "Abruptly, I notice I'm standing in front of a cafe..." scene cafe outside "...and %(mlia)s walks up." show mli default at center d '%(mlia)s: "%(prot)s? Funny running into you here!"' show mli happy at center with dissolve "Yep, funny, that." d '%(mlia)s: "It must be fate."' "I stare at him, shocked." d 'Me: "Yes, it must be."' show mli sad at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "You don\'t sound too happy about that."' d '"I hope it\'s not something I said?"' "I shake my head and manage a smile." show mli happy at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Whew, that\'s a relief."' d '"But you still look like you need some cheering up."' show mli attracted at center with dissolve d '"Come to dinner with me."' "I consider it." "If I try to walk away again, I have a feeling I\'ll just end up back here anyway." d 'Me: "I\'d like that."' "To my surprise, I find I mean it." "I don't want to be alone any more." show mli default at center with dissolve "He holds the door open for me." jump date_first_part_xx label date_first_part_xy: scene cafe table with dissolve "The cafe isn't busy, and we're seated right away." "I don't do much talking; I'm not really sure what to say." "But she seems happy to fill in the silence." "She's so animated, so alive." "I feel as if I'm basking in the warmth of her spirit, as silly as that sounds." show fli default at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "...specializing in pediatrics. It can be heartbreaking, but the rewards far outweigh..."' "I wonder if it's really fair to her to be here right now." "After all, this body is going to... die." d '%(flia)s: "...and that\'s when the head nurse told me she was an alien."' "And I'll go back to wherever it is... I came from?" show fli annoyed at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "You\'re not even listening, are you?"' d '"So, out with it! What\'s bothering you?"' "Should I be..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "evasive": $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" jump date_first_part_evasive_xy "flirty": $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" jump date_first_part_flirty_xy "apologetic": $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" jump date_first_part_apologetic_xy label date_first_part_evasive_xy: d 'Me: "Nothing, really."' d '"I was listening, I was just..."' d '"I was just enjoying the food."' show fli sad at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Oh, okay."' "Her voice doesn't really show it, but I can tell she's disappointed." "I nod, feeling badly about it, but not sure what else to say." "I can't tell her the truth, can I?" show fli default at center with dissolve "We talk for a while longer, but there's an awkwardness between us that wasn't there before." jump date_first_part_end_xy label date_first_part_flirty_xy: d 'Me: "Nothing, really."' d '"I was listening, I was just..."' d '"I was just thinking how pretty you are."' show fli embarrassed at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Oh! Really?"' "Her voice doesn't really show it, but I can tell she's embarrassed." "I nod. It's the truth, even if the beauty I'm seeing isn't on the outside." "I can't explain that, though, I'd sound crazy. Wouldn't I?" show fli default at center with dissolve "We talk for a while longer, but there's an awkwardness between us that wasn't there before." jump date_first_part_end_xy label date_first_part_apologetic_xy: d 'Me: "Sorry!"' d '"I was listening, I was just..."' d '"I was just thinking how nice you are."' show fli happy at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Oh! Really?"' "She doesn't sound mollified, but I can tell from the color around her that she's not mad any more." "I nod." show fli default at center with dissolve "We talk for a while longer, but there's something between us that wasn't there before." jump date_first_part_end_xy label date_first_part_end_xy: show fli default at center with dissolve "I manage to keep my attention focused on what's going on after that." "I don't think of myself as a scatterbrained person, but maybe I am." "It's not like I can really remember." "Or maybe it has something to do with being a spirit." "Before dessert arrives, she excuses herself to go use the restroom." hide fli "I wait quietly, but my thoughts are in turmoil." "It's getting late..." "Soon our date will be over, and then I'll have to go find this body's destiny." "...or try to avoid it." "I hear a faint sound, like crying, from the main entrance." "The sobbing gets louder, but nobody else seems to hear it." jump cafe_table label date_first_part_xx: scene cafe table with dissolve "The cafe isn't busy, and we're seated right away." "I don't do much talking; I'm not really sure what to say." "I mean, this body is supposed to be a doctor, and I'm definitely not one." "He's quiet, too, but I don't feel awkward." "There's just something about him that makes sharing time pleasant." "I feel as if I'm basking in the warmth of his spirit, as silly as that sounds." show mli default at center d '%(mlia)s: "...was promoted to plainclothes detective. I\'m in court all this week..."' "He's so alive, and I'm... I'm here to make sure he dies." "The thought makes me feel a little sick." "I'm sitting here, listening to him talk about his future..." d '%(mlia)s: "...and that\'s when the Chief told me he was an alien."' "...and I represent the end of all that he is." show mli annoyed at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "You\'re not even listening, are you?"' show mli sad at center with dissolve d '"I\'m sorry if I\'m boring you."' "Should I be..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "evasive": $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" jump date_first_part_evasive_xx "flirty": $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" jump date_first_part_flirty_xx "apologetic": $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" jump date_first_part_apologetic_xx label date_first_part_evasive_xx: d 'Me: "No, no, you weren\'t."' d '"I was listening, I was just..."' d '"I was just enjoying the food."' show mli default at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Oh, okay."' "He seems to accept my word at face value." "I nod, feeling badly about lying, but not sure what else to say." "I can't tell him the truth, can I?" show mli default at center with dissolve "We talk for a while longer, but there's a distance between us that wasn't there before." jump date_first_part_end_xx label date_first_part_flirty_xx: d 'Me: "No, no, you weren\'t."' d '"I was listening, I was just..."' d '"I was just thinking how attractive you are."' show mli embarrassed at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Really?"' "He sounds a little taken aback, and I'm not sure if it's in a good way or not." "Did I just horribly offend him?" show mli happy at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Good, because I think you\'re pretty cute too."' "It's my turn to blush; I can feel the heat in my cheeks." "I manage a nod. It's the truth, even if the beauty I'm seeing isn't on the outside." "I can't explain that, though, I'd sound crazy. Wouldn't I?" show mli default at center with dissolve "We talk for a while longer, but there's something between us that wasn't there before." "Or maybe I just hadn't noticed it..." jump date_first_part_end_xx label date_first_part_apologetic_xx: d 'Me: "Sorry!"' d '"I was listening, I was just..."' d '"I was just thinking how nice you are."' show mli happy at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Oh! Really?"' "I only hear surprise in his voice, but I can tell from the color around him that he's flattered." "I nod." show mli default at center with dissolve "We talk for a while longer, but there's something between us that wasn't there before." jump date_first_part_end_xx label date_first_part_end_xx: show mli default at center with dissolve "I manage to keep my attention focused on what's going on after that." "I don't think of myself as a scatterbrained person, but maybe I am." "It's not like I can really remember." "Or maybe it has something to do with being a spirit." "Before dessert arrives, he excuses herself to go use the restroom." hide mli "I wait quietly, but my thoughts are in turmoil." "It's getting late..." "Soon our date will be over, and then I'll have to find some excuse to... what?" "Lure him to his date with destiny?" "...or help him try to avoid it." "I hear a faint sound, like crying, from the main entrance." "The sobbing gets louder, but nobody else seems to hear it." jump cafe_table ## meet the ghost for the first time or wait at the table minor branch label meet_ghost: scene cafe foyer $ navigation_overlay_shown = False "I follow the sound of crying towards the entrance." show ghost at center "There's a girl there, crying." d 'Me: "Are you okay, miss?"' "She straightens, as if startled." "She doesn't have the same colors that everyone else does." "She's very pale..." d 'Girl: "No, it\'s too late."' "She sniffs and runs away." hide ghost with dissolve "I think about following, but I can see my date walking back towards the table." "I hurry back and get there before %(heshe)s does." scene cafe table $ saw_ghost = True jump expression ('date_second_part_' + gen) label wait_at_table: $ navigation_overlay_shown = False "The crying quickly fades away." "I wait at the table until %(heshe)s comes back." jump expression ('date_second_part_' + gen) label date_second_part_xy: $ date_part_two_seen = True "I get the check." "Fortunately, there's some cash in the wallet in my back pocket." "I feel only a little guilty about using it." "After all, it's not like he'll get a chance to spend it..." show fli default at center d '%(flia)s: "Would you like to go for a--"' show fli default at just_right with move "A man bursts in, carrying something in his hand." show angry_man at just_left "I can't tell what it is because of the blurriness." "It's small and metallic. A gun?" "Waves of angry red swirl all around him." "He turns towards us, raising his hand and the object..." menu menu_mq_1_xy: "dodge": "I dive aside." "I don't want to die yet!" $ ending_d += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "wait": "I freeze, setting my jaw as I turn to face death." "If this is my fate..." "...I won't avoid it." $ ending_f += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "": jump menu_mq_1_xy "The man puts the object to his ear and starts shouting into it." "A cellphone?" hide angry_man "He storms past without a word." show fli default at center with move "%(flia)s gives me a funny look." d '%(flia)s: "Are you okay?"' "I manage a nod." "So... I guess I get to live a little longer." "I'm not sure whether to be glad I have more time with her, or sorry that my fate is going to be drawn out." "I glance at her, and feel..." menu: "glad": $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" "sorry": bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" pass "nothing": bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" pass d '%(flia)s: "Anyway, I was wondering..."' d '"Would you like to go for a walk?"' "I manage a nod, and she smiles." show fli happy at center with dissolve d '"I\'ll meet you outside, then."' hide fli with dissolve $ leave_cafe = True # you can now leave this area jump cafe_table label date_second_part_xx: $ date_part_two_seen = True "He gets the check with a smile." "I feel a little guilty about taking advantage." "But it's not like he'll get a chance to spend it elsewhere..." show mli default at center d '%(mlia)s: "Would you like to go for a--"' show mli default at just_right with move "A man bursts in, carrying something in his hand." show angry_man at just_left "I can't tell what it is because of the blurriness." "It's small and metallic. A gun?" "Waves of angry red swirl all around him." "He raises his hand and the object, and it's pointing right at %(mlia)s!" "I turn towards %(mlia)s, and..." menu menu_mq_1_xx: "push him aside": "I jump into him, hoping to knock him out of the way." "He's surprised, but catches me with only a step back." "I've failed..." "...I don't want him to die..." $ tmp_truefalse = True $ ending_d += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "wait": "I flinch, turning my head away as I wait for the inevitable." "If this is his fate..." "...I can't help him avoid it." $ ending_f += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "": jump menu_mq_1_xx "The man puts the object to his ear and starts shouting into it." "A cellphone?" hide angry_man "He storms past without a word." show mli default at center with move if tmp_truefalse == True: # player tackled him d "%(mlia)s gives me a funny look." "His arms are really warm around me." "I blush." d 'Me: "Uh, sorry."' show mli default at center with move show mli attracted at center with dissolve "I wonder what that color means?" "He seems to be waiting for something, but he's not letting go." d 'Me: "I saw a spider."' show mli amused at center with dissolve "I know that color; he's amused!" "He nods and lets go, and I find I'm..." else: "%(mlia)s gives me a funny look." d '%(mlia)s: "Are you okay?"' "I manage a nod." "So... I guess he gets to live a little longer." "I'm not sure whether to be relieved, or sorry that this whole tragedy is going to be drawn out." "I glance at him, and feel..." menu: "relieved": if tmp_truefalse == True: $ tmp_truefalse = False else: $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" "sorry": if tmp_truefalse == True: $ tmp_truefalse = False $ pc_loves_li += 1 else: pass bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" "nothing": bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" pass d '%(mlia)s: "Anyway, I was wondering..."' d '"Would you like to go for a walk?"' "I manage a nod, and he smiles." show mli happy at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "I\'ll meet you outside, then."' hide mli with dissolve $ leave_cafe = True # you can now leave this area jump cafe_table ## Night ## pc_loves_li 0:2 ## ending_d 0:1 and ending_f 0:1 label enter_park_intro: $ navigation_overlay_shown = False $ tmp_count = total_menus * 2 bug "pc_loves_li is %(pc_loves_li)d out of 2" bug "li_loves_pc is %(li_loves_pc)d out of %(tmp_count)d" bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" $ tmp_count = 0 scene black with dissolve show text "Night" with fade $ renpy.pause(3.0) jump expression ('riverbank_stroll_' + gen) label riverbank_stroll_xy: scene cafe outside_dark with dissolve show fli default at center d '%(flia)s: "Hi, %(prot)s! Ready to walk through the park?"' "I nod." "It's not cold out, even though it is getting late." d '%(flia)s: "Wow, it\'s dark out here."' "I look around, startled." "It's really not that dark." "I wonder if she can't see the glows that light up the area as if it were day?" show fli amused with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "I hope you aren\'t scared of the dark!"' "She loops her arm through mine in a friendly way." show fli happy at center with dissolve d '"I think we should definitely get ice cream first."' hide fli scene grey with fade "I let her pull me along." "Her enthusiasm is amazing." "As we stroll down towards the river, we talk about all sorts of things, and yet, when we get there, I find I can't remember any one thing in particular." "Just that she's probably the nicest person I've ever met." scene park riverbank "It's a little cooler on the riverbank, but not much." "And it's really pretty here." show fli default at center d '%(flia)s: "Oh, wait here. I\'ll go toss our empty cups."' hide fli "She darts towards the rest area, and I hesitate." "Perhaps I should go with her..." jump cambill_lecture label riverbank_stroll_xx: scene cafe outside_dark with dissolve show mli default at center d '%(mlia)s: "Hey, %(prot)s. Ready to walk through the park?"' "I nod." "It's not cold out, even though it is getting late." d '%(mlia)s: "Are you sure? It\'s pretty dark out here."' "I look around, startled." "It's really not that dark." "I wonder if he can't see the glows that light up the area as if it were day?" show mli amused at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Don\'t worry, I\'m only a little afraid of the dark."' "I like when he makes jokes." show mli default at center with dissolve d 'Me: "I\'ll protect you."' "I blurt it out, then feel a blush starting." "I want to... but can I really protect him against whatever's waiting out there for him?" show mli amused at center with dissolve "He laughs." d '%(mlia)s: "Thanks, %(prot)s. I feel safer already."' show mli default at center with dissolve "He moves next to me in a friendly way." "I want to take his hand but I don't quite dare." show mli happy at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "I think we should definitely get some ice cream."' hide mli scene grey with fade "He leads me over to a little ice cream shack that he says is the best in the city." "I'm not sure what to get, and he suggests the rocky road..." "...it's delicious." "As we stroll down towards the river, we talk about all sorts of things, and yet, when we get there, I find I can't remember any one thing in particular." "Just that he's probably the nicest person I've ever met." scene park riverbank "It's a little cooler on the riverbank, but not much." "And it's really pretty here." show mli default at center d '%(mlia)s: "Oh, wait here. I\'ll go toss our empty cups."' hide mli "He walks towards the rest area, and I hesitate." "Perhaps I should go with him..." jump cambill_lecture label cambill_lecture: show cambill default at center show cambill default at Revolve(0, 360, 6, bounce=True, repeat=True) d '%(cambill)s: "There you are."' "He looks washed out, faded against the blurry real world." "And he sounds really disapproving." d '%(cambill)s: "You\'re not supposed to be flirting with %(himher)s."' d '"You\'re supposed to be making sure events unfold properly."' d '"Do you WANT to get in trouble with Fate?"' "Did he just shudder at the thought? It's hard to tell..." "I'm suddenly..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "curious": d 'Me: "What if I do?"' $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "afraid": d 'Me: "What... what would happen if I were?"' $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "bored": "He seems to pick up on my boredom and flickers angrily." $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" d '%(cambill)s: "The penalties for crossing Fate are severe."' d '"They have to be, otherwise people would go mucking around with it all the time."' "He sighs, his light dimming slightly for a moment." d '"I know it\'s tempting to try to interfere, but you have to remember..."' if gen == "xy": d '"Your fate, and that body\'s, are already sealed."' else: d '"Your fate, and his, are already sealed."' show cambill fade at Revolve(0, 360, 6, bounce=True, repeat=True) d '"It\'s just a matter of when..."' "He's fading away again..." d '%(cambill)s: "Please don\'t screw this up!"' hide cambill "I'm all alone again." if gen == "xy": "%(flia)s hasn't come back yet." else: "%(mlia)s hasn't come back yet." "Maybe I should go after %(himher)s." if saw_ghost == True: "Or should I wait here?" jump park_riverbank label wait_at_riverbank: $ navigation_overlay_shown = False $ heard_crying_again = True "I decide to wait a moment or two more." "After all, if I get lost, I might not find %(himher)s again..." "The sound of crying suddenly reaches my ears from the east." "It's coming from a little path I hadn't noticed." "It looks like I can squeeze east through the bushes along the water." if gen == "xy": "But what about %(flia)s?" else: "But what about %(mlia)s?" $ park_waterfall_open = True jump park_riverbank label meet_ghost_again: $ navigation_overlay_shown = False "I pick my way along the path." scene park waterfall "For a moment, I'm stunned by the sheer beauty of the scene." "The water flows over the rocks, glowing with an unearthly radiance." $ saw_ghost_again = True show ghost at center if saw_ghost == True: "On the edge of the water is the pale girl from earlier, the one who was crying." else: "On the edge of the water is a girl, crying." "She doesn't have the same colors that everyone else does." "She's very pale..." "She looks up as I approach, and wipes her hand over her eyes." d 'Me: "Are you all right?"' "She shakes her head." d 'Girl: "I dropped my ring in the river when I fell."' d '"It\'s going to get ruined."' "She starts to cry again, softly." "I have to..." menu ghost_menu_1: "help": jump help_ghost "leave": "I don't have time for this." if gen == "xy": "%(flia)s will be looking for me." else: "%(mlia)s will be looking for me." "The girl nods, looking sad..." hide ghost with dissolve "...and then she isn\'t there anymore." "I blink, confused, then try to put it out of my mind." "Head whirling, I head back to the riverbank." $ park_waterfall_open = False jump park_riverbank "": jump ghost_menu_1 label help_ghost: d 'Me: "Is there anything I can do?"' "I feel dumb as soon as I\'ve said it." "I mean, I've really got bigger problems than some piece of jewelry." "But she seems so very sad..." d 'Girl: "Oh, really, would you?"' d '"That\'d be wonderful!"' d '"I can\'t... I can\'t seem to go into the cave."' "She points, and I realize there's an opening behind the waterfall." menu ghost_menu_2: "enter cave": if gen == "xy": "I have to twist my shoulders sideways to fit..." "For a minute I get stuck, but a surge of panic gives me extra strength." "Somehow, I manage to squeeze through with only a few scrapes." else: "I easily fit through the narrow gap." "I guess there are some benefits to being in a small body." $ park_behind_waterfall_open = True jump enter_cave "change mind": d 'Me: "I\'m sorry, but I don\'t really have time for this."' if gen == "xy": "%(flia)s will be looking for me." else: "%(mlia)s will be looking for me." "The girl looks crestfallen..." hide ghost with dissolve "...and then she isn\'t there anymore." "I blink, confused, then try to put it out of my mind." "Head whirling, I head back to the riverbank." $ park_waterfall_open = False jump park_riverbank "": jump ghost_menu_2 label enter_cave: hide ghost scene black with dissolve "It takes my eyes a moment to adjust..." scene park behind_waterfall with dissolve "The water spray seems to glow, alive, as the waterfall did outside." "I feel drawn forward, and I take a step deeper into the cave." "There's something glowing in the dark, still water at my feet." "I bend over and pick it up." if gen == "xy": "It's a small silver ring." else: "It's a small silver ring strung through a metal chain." "Maybe it was worn as a necklace?" "It's covered in a faint patina, and I wonder how long it's been here." $ got_trinket = True $ alt_path_possible = True jump park_behind_waterfall label meet_ghost_last: $ navigation_overlay_shown = False scene park waterfall "I emerge into the outside, blinking a little." "The glow from the waterfall lights up the area, making the rocks seem to sparkle." show ghost at center d 'Girl: "Oh, you found it!"' d '"Please make sure it finds a good home."' "She wants me to keep it?" "But she seemed so upset by its loss..." d 'Girl: "I can\'t take it with me, you see, but I couldn\'t bear the thought of it lying lost in there forever."' d '"I want you to have it, for being so nice."' "I don't understand, but then, I don't understand a lot of things lately." d 'Me: "Thank you."' show ghost fade with dissolve "Is it my imagination, or is she fading away?" d 'Girl: "Take care!"' hide ghost with dissolve "She's gone... as if she never was." jump expression ("caught_act_" + gen) label caught_act_xy: show fli default at center d '%(flia)s: "Who are you talking to?"' "I jump with a start." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "truth": d 'Me: "Uh, would you believe a ghost?"' show fli amused at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Yeah, right!"' "She thinks I'm joking." show fli default at center with dissolve $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "lie": d 'Me: "Just talking to myself."' show fli annoyed at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Really?"' "She sounds pretty skeptical." "I nod." "I don't think she's buying it, but she doesn't press the issue." show fli default at center with dissolve $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "say nothing": "She shrugs." show fli annoyed at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Fine, don\'t tell me."' show fli default at center with dissolve $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "She looks around a little." d '"It\'s too dark here. Let\'s go back to the riverbank."' "She stumbles a little, in the dark, and I realize that she really can't see the glows." "I take her hand gently, and help her back to the brighter area by the river." hide fli scene park riverbank show fli default at center d '%(flia)s: "Okay, so what were you--"' "Her phone goes off. She glances at it and sighs." d '%(flia)s: "It\'s the hospital... I\'ll be right back."' "She puts the phone to her ear and walks away, back towards the rest area." "I guess it's a private call." "I wait for a few minutes, but she doesn't come back." "Maybe something's wrong?" $ li_called_away = True jump park_riverbank label caught_act_xx: show mli default at center d '%(mlia)s: "Who are you talking to?"' "I jump with a start." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "truth": d 'Me: "Uh, would you believe a ghost?"' show mli amused at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Yeah, right!"' "He thinks I'm joking." show mli default at center with dissolve $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "lie": d 'Me: "Just talking to myself."' show mli annoyed at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Really?"' "He sounds pretty skeptical." "I nod." "I don't think he's buying it, but he doesn't press the issue." show mli default at center with dissolve $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "say nothing": "He shrugs." show mli default at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "You\'re entitled to your secrets, I guess."' $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "He glances around." d '%(mlia)s: "It\'s pretty dark."' d '%(mlia)s: "What\'re you doing back here, anyway?"' "I'm saved from having to answer by his sudden head shake." d '"Let\'s head back to the riverbank and talk about it there."' "He catches my hand and leads me back towards the riverbank." "I don't really need the help since I can see by the glows, but I appreciate the thought." hide mli scene park riverbank show mli default at center d '%(mlia)s: "Okay, so tell me--"' "His phone goes off and he sighs." "Glancing at it, he mutters something under his breath." d '%(mlia)s: "It\'s my partner... I\'ll be right back."' "He walks away, back towards the rest area, as he answers the phone." "I guess it's a private call." "I wait for a few minutes, but he doesn't come back." "Maybe something's wrong?" $ li_called_away = True jump park_riverbank label followed_li: $ navigation_overlay_shown = False $ park_waterfall_open = False scene grey with dissolve "It takes me a minute to find the rest area." scene park rest_area_dark with dissolve "The glow from the trees is dark, muted, as if something bad were about to happen..." jump expression ("li_being_accosted_" + gen) label li_being_accosted_xy: show fli worried at just_right show drunk_man at just_left "I finally find her." "She's not alone -- there's a strange man talking to her." "I'm stunned by how dark and ugly his colors are." d 'Stranger: "How about a little kiss?"' "He grabs her arm and pulls her towards him." "His words are slurred; he's probably drunk." show fli annoyed with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Stop it!"' "My thoughts are racing." "He's a little taller than I am, but I think I'm in a lot better shape." "But he's drunk, and drunks can be unpredictable." "How do I know that?" "I..." menu: "attack": "I cross the distance between us in an instant, and grab his shoulder, swinging him around." d 'Me: "That\'s not very polite."' "He lets go of %(flia)s to throw a punch." "I'm a little slow in ducking..." "...I have been dead recently, after all..." "...and the blow staggers me." $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" jump punch_stranger_xy "shout": "I shout at him to stop." "He turns towards me instead." d 'Stranger: "Mind your own business."' "He lets go of %(flia)s's arm, and she steps back." "I walk over to stand next to her." d 'Me: "Are you all right?"' "I glance over at her, and something hits me in the face." "I stagger." $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" jump punch_stranger_xy "do nothing": bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" jump do_nothing_xy label punch_stranger_xy: "I dimly hear %(flia)s shout, and see another blow coming just in time." "I dodge, cocking my arm back..." "...and land a punch squarely in his face." "He stumbles back, then swings ineffectually at me again before falling down." hide drunk_man hide fli scene grey with dissolve "I grab %(flia)s's hand and we run back towards the well-lit riverbank." scene park riverbank show fli worried at center d '%(flia)s: "Are you all right?"' "I have to think about it for a minute." "The blood is rushing in my ears..." "My face stings a little..." "...so does my hand." "...I feel alive." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "nod": show fli happy at center with dissolve "She looks relieved." "She was really worried about me." $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "laugh": show fli annoyed at center with dissolve "She smacks me on the arm." d '%(flia)s: "You\'re enjoying this!"' "I shake my head. It's not that... it's just..." "I smile at her, not sure what I want to say." $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "shake head": show fli worried at center with dissolve "At least being dead didn't hurt." d 'Me: "It\'s nothing."' show fli default at center with dissolve "She nods, and we stand in silence for a moment." "I'm suddenly sorry I rebuffed her." $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" jump ob_life_interaction_xy label do_nothing_xy: "I hesitate." "Should I interfere?" "What if this is her fate?" "But it is my fault she's out here anyway, isn't it?" "My thoughts are going in circles again." show fli angry at just_right with dissolve "Before I can act, %(flia)s brings her foot down hard on the stranger's instep." "As he clutches his foot in pain, she runs towards me, grabbing my hand." hide drunk_man hide fli scene grey with dissolve "Together, we run back towards the well-lit riverbank." "Fortunately, he doesn't follow." scene park riverbank show fli default at center "We catch our breath, and I start to ask her if she's okay." show fli amused at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Well, that was an adventure!"' "She's practically laughing." "She's enjoying this!" d 'Me: "You are a very strange girl."' "I'm not sure if I'm impressed or amazed." show fli happy at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "I\'ll take that as a compliment, I think!"' jump ob_life_interaction_xy label li_being_accosted_xx: "I don't see %(mlia)s anywhere." show drunk_man at center "A man walks up, but I don't recognize him." d 'Stranger: "Hey, honey, are you lost?"' "Is he talking to me?" "His colors are muddy and dark, unlike anything I've seen before." "It's a little scary." "I ignore him and start to walk away." d 'Stranger: "You should be more friendly, babe."' "He laughs, an ugly sound." d 'Stranger: "How about a little kiss?"' "He grabs my arm and drags me towards him." "I can smell the beer he's been drinking." "Maybe I can argue with him, or maybe if I give him a kiss he'll leave me alone." "...or perhaps I should fight." "I decide to..." menu: "argue": "I open my mouth to say something, but I'm not sure what." "I really wish %(mlia)s were here -- he'd know what to do." "The drunk leers at me, and I start to panic." "Before he can do anything, a hand falls on his shoulder and spins him around." $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" jump punch_stranger_xx "give in": "I sigh to myself." "I can't wait for this stupid night to be over so I can go back to being dead." "I try not to wrinkle my nose as the stranger drags me closer." "A hand falls on his shoulder and spins him around." bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" jump punch_stranger_xx "fight": $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" jump fight_back_xx label punch_stranger_xx: show drunk_man at just_right with move show mli angry at just_left with move "It's %(mlia)s!" "I feel a rush of relief that I don't want to analyze too closely right now." d '%(mlia)s: "That\'s no way to treat a lady."' "He says it politely, but I can tell from his colors that he's really mad." "He looks over at me." d '%(mlia)s: "Are you all right, %(prot)s?"' "The stranger laughs coarsely and swings at him." "%(mlia)s sees it at the last second, but doesn't quite manage to dodge out of the way." "He staggers." "For a second I think he's going to fall, and then he lunges, throwing a punch that knocks the drunk flat." hide drunk_man hide mli scene grey with dissolve "%(mlia)s catches my hand and we run together back to the riverbank." scene park riverbank show mli worried at center d '%(mlia)s: "Are you all right?"' "I nod." "That's was crazy!" "I can't decide whether to be glad he rescued me or worried about the risk he took." "I think I'm mostly..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "glad": d 'Me: "I\'m really glad you were there."' show mli happy at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Not a problem."' "His voice is light, teasing, but his colors don't say he's amused." $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "worried": d 'Me: "You could have been seriously hurt."' "I don't mean it to sound scolding, but it comes out wrong." show mli annoyed at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Well, if you hadn\'t run off, I wouldn\'t have had to rescue you."' "I start to argue, but it seems pointless." "I nod, and he sighs." $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "bored": "I'm starting to wonder if this night is ever going to be over." "At least being dead wasn't dangerous." show mli default at center with dissolve "We stand in silence for a moment." $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" jump ob_life_interaction_xx label fight_back_xx: "What if this guy ambushed %(mlia)s when he walked over here?" "%(mlia)s could be lying on the ground bleeding or worse nearby." "I have to go find him..." "...it's too early for fate to catch up to us..." "I smash my foot down on the drunk's instep." "He lets out a howl of pain and staggers away, clutching his foot." show drunk_man at just_right with move show mli angry at just_left "A hand catches mine -- it's %(mlia)s!" hide drunk_man hide mli scene grey with dissolve "We run back to the riverbank, and fortunately the stranger doesn't follow." scene park riverbank show mli default at center "I try to catch my breath, and when I look up he's looking at me." show mli happy at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "That was some nice footwork."' "He actually sounds impressed!" "The blood is pounding my ears..." "...my heart is racing..." "...and I feel very alive." "I grin at him." d 'Me: "I\'m not sure where it came from, but it seemed to work."' "I realize that my upper arm hurts a little, where the drunk grabbed me, and I rub it." show mli worried at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Are you hurt?"' "I shake my head, but he insists on checking." "He gently pushes up my sleeve and inspects my arm." show mli annoyed at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "You\'ll probably have a bruise."' "He sounds odd, and his color says he's mad." "What did I do?" d '%(mlia)s: "I\'m sorry I wasn\'t quicker."' "He's mad at himself for not rescuing me?" "I don't quite know what to say." "He looks down at me, the anger still in his eyes." show mli attracted at center with dissolve "And then his colors change..." "...to that odd color I don't know the meaning of." "He leans towards me..." jump ob_life_interaction_xx label ob_life_interaction_xy: show park riverbank show fli default at center $ mlia = "Edward" "Impulsively, I lean forward..." "...I'd think I'd like to kiss her..." "A strange voice interrupts, and I take a hasty step back." d 'Girl: "%(mlia)s?"' "The name doesn\'t mean anything to me." d 'Girl: "%(mlia)s? Is that you?"' show fli default at just_right with move show girl at just_left "I give her a puzzled look." "And then I realize... she recognizes this body." d 'Girl: "It\'s Eileen, from Records?"' "I could pretend that she's made a mistake." "But if she doesn't buy it, it could get ugly." "Maybe I should agree and then try to say good-bye quickly." "I decide to act as if she's..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: 'mistaken': d 'Me: "I\'m sorry, but you must have mistaken me for someone else."' "There's no need to hurt her feelings." "She starts to argue." d 'Me: "If you\'ll excuse us."' $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" 'crazy': d 'Me: "Look, lady, I don\'t know who you\'re talking about."' "I don't care how rude it sounds." $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" 'correct': d 'Me: "Oh, right, Eileen. Records."' "I try a smile." d '%(flia)s: "I thought your name was %(prot)s?"' "She sounds confused." "I'd forgotten about that." "I nod, thinking fast." d 'Me: "%(prot)s is my middle name."' d '"My friends usually call me that."' "Eileen looks as if she wants to argue, but I cut her off." d 'Me: "If you\'ll excuse us, we have someplace to be."' $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "I grab %(flia)s's hand and start walking towards the cafe." "%(flia)s gives me an odd look, but I don't explain." hide girl hide fli "The girl, Eileen, doesn't follow." "It doesn't matter, anyway..." "...if Fate has its way, this body will be dead tomorrow." "The cafe is closed, so we stop at the edge of the park." jump discuss_fate_xy label ob_life_interaction_xx: show park riverbank show mli default at center $ flia = "Amelie" "A strange voice interrupts, and he steps back." d 'Girl: "%(flia)s?"' "The name doesn\'t mean anything to me." d 'Girl: "%(flia)s? Is that you?"' show mli default at just_left with move show girl at just_right "I give her a puzzled look." "And then I realize... she recognizes this body." d 'Girl: "I\'m Eileen, the mid-shift nurse. We met the other day at the hospital?"' d '"Funny running into you here, in the city!"' "I could pretend that she's made a mistake." "But if she doesn't buy it, it could get ugly." "Maybe I should agree and then try to say good-bye quickly." "I decide to act as if she's..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: 'mistaken': d 'Me: "I\'m sorry, but you must have mistaken me for someone else."' "There's no need to hurt her feelings." "She starts to argue." d 'Me: "If you\'ll excuse us."' $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" 'crazy': d 'Me: "Look, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about."' d '"My name is %(prot)s."' "I don't care how rude it sounds." $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" 'correct': d 'Me: "Oh, right, Eileen."' "I try a smile." d '%(mlia)s: "I thought your name was %(prot)s?"' "He sounds puzzled." "I'd forgotten about that." "I nod, thinking fast." d 'Me: "%(prot)s is my middle name."' d '"My friends usually call me that."' "Eileen looks as if she wants to argue, but I cut her off." d 'Me: "If you\'ll excuse us, we have someplace to be."' $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "I grab %(mlia)s's hand and start walking towards the cafe." "He gives me an odd look, but I don't explain." hide girl hide mli "The girl, Eileen, doesn't follow." "It doesn't matter, anyway..." "...I won't have to worry about the original owner of this body tomorrow." "The cafe is closed, so we stop at the edge of the park." jump discuss_fate_xx label discuss_fate_xy: scene park lawn show fli default at center d '%(flia)s: "This has been one weird night."' "She doesn't sound upset, just confused." show fli worried at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "And you\'re so serious."' "I shrug." d '%(flia)s: "See? There you go again."' d '"It\'s like you\'re a completely different person from that light-hearted guy I met outside the shop."' "I give her a startled look." "Could she know...?" $ tmp_count = total_menus * 2 if alt_path_possible == True and pc_loves_li == 3 and li_loves_pc == tmp_count and ending_d == 1: $ tmp_count = 0 show fli annoyed at center with dissolve "She catches my look and her colors flare with shock." d '%(flia)s: "You are someone else, aren\'t you?"' "Even as she says the words, she starts to shake her head." d '%(flia)s: "No, that\'s crazy. Impossible."' d '"And yet..."' "She stares at me." menu: "truth": jump alt_tell_truth_xy "lie": "I shake my head." show fli default at center with dissolve "I can't tell her the truth." "{i}I'm a ghost, and this body is going to die by dawn...{/i}" "How could she possibly believe me?" "And even if she did, she'd probably just run away from me screaming." d 'Me: "You\'re confusing me."' "She stares at me for a long moment." "say nothing": show fli default at center with dissolve pass else: "She doesn't seem to notice my surprise." d '%(flia)s: "I wish I knew what that secret you\'re holding in is."' "She sighs." show fli sad at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Do you believe in fate, %(prot)s?"' d '"I don\'t mean just unlikely coincidences, but fate..."' d '"An inescapable destiny that can\'t be changed."' menu menu_believe_fate_xy: "yes": "I nod." d 'Me: "Sometimes things have to be a certain way."' "But it doesn't mean we have to like it, I add silently." $ ending_f += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "no": "I shake my head." d '%(flia)s: "But what if that\'s how it is?"' d 'Me: "Does it matter? We still have to keep fighting."' $ ending_d += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "": jump menu_believe_fate_xy "She doesn't say anything for a long minute, and I wonder if she's about to give up on me." show fli default at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "I\'d like to walk around a little more, if you want to."' "I nod." hide fli scene grey with dissolve "She takes my hand as we wander through the park." "She's a lot quieter than she was before..." "...and I wonder what she's thinking about." jump begin_dawn label discuss_fate_xx: scene park lawn show mli default at center d '%(mlia)s: "This has been one weird night."' "He doesn't sound upset, but I can't quite read what he's really feeling." show mli worried at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "And you\'re so serious."' "I shrug." d '%(mlia)s: "See? Like that."' d '"It\'s like you\'re a completely different person from the cheerful girl I met outside the shop."' "I give him a startled look." "Could he know...?" $ tmp_count = total_menus * 2 if alt_path_possible == True and pc_loves_li == 3 and li_loves_pc == tmp_count and ending_d == 1: $ tmp_count = 0 show mli annoyed at center with dissolve "He catches my look and his colors flare with shock." d '%(mlia)s: "You are someone else, aren\'t you?"' "Even as he says the words, he starts to shake his head." d '%(mlia)s: "No, that\'s crazy. Impossible."' d '"And yet..."' "He stares at me." menu: "truth": jump alt_tell_truth_xx "lie": "I shake my head." show mli default at center with dissolve "I can't tell him the truth." "{i}I'm a ghost, here to make sure you die...{/i}" "How could he possibly believe me?" "And even if he did, he'd probably just run away from me screaming." d 'Me: "You\'re confusing me."' "He stares at me for a long moment." "say nothing": show mli default at center with dissolve pass else: "He doesn't seem to notice my surprise." d '%(mlia)s: "I wish I knew what that secret you\'re holding in is."' "He sighs, jamming a hand through his hair." show mli sad at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Do you believe in fate, %(prot)s?"' d '"I don\'t mean just unlikely coincidences, but fate..."' d '"An inescapable destiny that can\'t be changed."' menu menu_believe_fate_xx: "yes": "I nod." d 'Me: "Sometimes things have to be a certain way."' "But it doesn't mean we have to like it, I add silently." $ ending_f += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "no": "I shake my head." d '%(mlia)s: "But what if that\'s how it is?"' d 'Me: "Does it matter? We still have to keep fighting."' $ ending_d += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "": jump menu_believe_fate_xx "He doesn't say anything for a long minute, and I wonder if he's about to give up on me." show mli default at center with dissolve '%(mlia)s: "I\'d like to walk around a little more, if you want to."' "I nod." hide mli scene grey with dissolve "He takes my hand as we wander through the park." "He's even quieter than he was before..." "...and I wonder what he's thinking about." jump begin_dawn label alt_tell_truth_xy: "I'm tired of lying." "I nod, simply." "No matter what happens..." "...I want her to know the truth." show fli worried at center with dissolve "She laughs, a little uncertainly." d '%(flia)s: "What are you saying?"' d 'Me: "You\'re right."' d '"I\'m not the guy you met outside the shop."' "She gives me a funny look." jump mini_ending_calculator label alt_tell_truth_xx: "I'm tired of lying." "I nod, simply." "No matter what happens..." "...I want him to know the truth." show mli worried at center with dissolve "He laughs, a little uncertainly." d '%(mlia)s: "What?"' d 'Me: "You\'re right."' d '"I\'m not the girl you met outside the shop."' "He stares at me." jump mini_ending_calculator label alt_li_believes_xx: show mli default at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "I don\'t know why..."' d '"But I believe you."' d '"So who are you, really?"' "I shrug." d 'Me: "I\'m %(prot)s. It\'s a long story."' "He reaches out and takes my hand." d '%(mlia)s: "I\'m not going anywhere."' hide mli scene grey with dissolve "We walk through the park as I tell him everything, from when I first woke up to now." "Well, almost everything..." "...I gloss over the part about making sure he dies." "I'm just not sure how to tell him." jump begin_dawn label alt_li_believes_xy: show fli default at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "I don\'t know why..."' d '"But I believe you."' d '"So who are you, really?"' "I shrug." d 'Me: "I\'m %(prot)s. It\'s a long story."' "She reaches out and takes my hand." d '%(flia)s: "I\'m not going anywhere."' "But I am, I want to say, but don't." hide fli scene grey with dissolve "We walk through the park as I tell her everything, from when I first woke up to now." "Well, almost everything..." "...I gloss over the part about making sure this body dies." "I don't know how she'll react." "And I'd rather not think about it right now." jump begin_dawn ## Dawn ## pc_loves_li 0:3 ## ending_d 0:2 and ending_f 0:2 label begin_dawn: $ tmp_count = total_menus * 2 bug "pc_loves_li is %(pc_loves_li)d out of 3" bug "li_loves_pc is %(li_loves_pc)d out of %(tmp_count)d" bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" $ tmp_count = 0 scene black with dissolve show text "Midnight" with fade $ renpy.pause(3.0) $ is_evening = False $ is_night = False $ is_dawn = True scene park rest_area with dissolve "Somehow, we find ourselves in the rest area again." "There's no sign of anyone else here." "The trees are much brighter now..." "...as if to tell me that the danger has passed." "It's getting very late, but %(heshe)s doesn't seem to want to call it a night." if on_alt_path == True: jump expression ('alt_heartfelt_talk_' + gen) "I excuse myself to go use the restroom." "When I come back, I find that %(heshe)s has fall asleep on the bench." jump expression ('find_asleep_' + gen) label alt_heartfelt_talk_xy: show fli default at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "So, who were you... uh, before?"' "I shake my head." d 'Me: "I don\'t really remember."' "She nods quietly." d '%(flia)s: "%(prot)s?"' d '"Do you think it was just coincidence that brought us here?"' d '"Or maybe something more?"' "I shrug." d 'Me: "I don\'t know."' d '"But I\'m glad we\'re here together, right now."' "She nods." d '%(flia)s: "I..."' d '"Me too, %(prot)s."' "We stand in silence for a moment." "There's so much I want to say..." "...but I just can't find the right words." show fli sad at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "Do you believe in fate?"' d '"I don\'t mean just unlikely coincidences, but actual fate..."' d '"An inescapable destiny that can\'t be changed."' menu menu_alt_believe_fate_xy: "yes": "I nod." d 'Me: "Sometimes things have to be a certain way."' "But it doesn't mean we have to like it, I add silently." d 'Me: "I think it\'s for the best..."' d '"I mean, it must be, right?"' $ ending_f += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "no": "I shake my head." d 'Me: "There\'s always a chance to change things."' d '%(flia)s: "But what if there isn\'t? What if everything is already set?"' d 'Me: "It doesn\'t matter. We still have to keep fighting."' $ ending_d += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "": jump menu_alt_believe_fate_xy "She nods, but I'm not sure she believes me." show fli default at center with dissolve "Should I tell her what's going to happen to me...?" "Or will it just make our last few hours together awkward?" "She's looking at me, and I..." "...I want to tell her the truth." "But I can't... can I?" "I excuse myself to go use the restroom." hide mli scene grey with dissolve "I'm no closer to a decision when I step back outside than when I went in." "I still have no idea what I should tell her." scene park rest_area with dissolve "She's fallen asleep on the bench." jump find_asleep_xy label alt_heartfelt_talk_xx: show mli default at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "So, who were you... uh, before?"' "I shake my head." d 'Me: "I don\'t really remember."' "He nods, looking away from me." d '%(mlia)s: "%(prot)s?"' d '"Do you think it was just coincidence that brought us here?"' d '"Or maybe something more?"' "I shrug." d 'Me: "I don\'t know."' d '"But I\'m glad we\'re here together, right now."' "He nods." d '%(mlia)s: "I..."' d '"Me too, %(prot)s."' "We stand in silence for a moment." "There's so much I want to say..." "...but I just can't find the right words." show mli sad at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "Do you believe in fate?"' d '"I don\'t mean just unlikely coincidences, but actual fate..."' d '"An inescapable destiny that can\'t be changed."' menu menu_alt_believe_fate_xx: "yes": "I nod." d 'Me: "Sometimes things have to be a certain way."' "But it doesn't mean we have to like it, I add silently." d 'Me: "I think it\'s for the best..."' d '"I mean, it must be, right?"' $ ending_f += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "no": "I shake my head." d 'Me: "There\'s always a chance to change things."' d '%(mlia)s: "But what if there isn\'t? What if everything is already set?"' d 'Me: "It doesn\'t matter. We still have to keep fighting."' $ ending_d += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "": jump menu_alt_believe_fate_xx "He nods, but I'm not sure he believes me." show mli default at center with dissolve "Should I tell him what's going to happen...?" "Or will it just make his last few hours miserable?" "He's looking at me, and I..." "...I want to tell him the truth." "But I can't... can I?" d 'Me: "Er, if you\'ll excuse me, I\'ll be right back."' hide mli scene grey with dissolve "I escape to the restroom." "I know it's just postponing things..." "I procrastinate as long as I can, then reluctantly walk back outside." "I still have no idea if I should tell him..." scene park rest_area with dissolve "He's fallen asleep on the bench." jump find_asleep_xx label find_asleep_xy: "She looks so peaceful that I hate to wake her." "I sit on the end of the bench and she moves in her sleep to put her head on my shoulder..." "I..." "I think I could sit here for a while longer." "It's very, very late." "Dawn will be here soon." jump last_cambill_talk label find_asleep_xx: "His head is thrown back, his arms flung out." "I think he's snoring a little." "He'd said he'd had a long day... I guess it caught up to him." "I hesitate, then sit down on the bench next to him." "What could it hurt, I think, putting my head on his shoulder..." "...I'll just wait here with him." "Just until..." "Just until dawn." jump last_cambill_talk label last_cambill_talk: "I must have dozed a little myself, because I'm woken by a light fading in from the east." "For a moment, I think it's the sun, but then I recognize it." show cambill default at center show cambill default at Revolve(0, 360, 6, bounce=True, repeat=True) "It flutters a little, and then I hear a distinct sigh." d '%(cambill)s: "This won\'t do at all..."' d '"I think you\'re falling in love with %(himher)s."' "I start to shake my head." "I..." menu menu_realize_love: "am": "I don't say anything, too busy reeling in surprise at my thoughts." "It's not possible..." "You can't fall in love with someone in one night." if gen == 'xy': "Even if they are cute, and brave, and smart, and funny." else: "Even if they are gorgeous, and brave, and smart, and funny." "...and have the kindest eyes you've ever seen..." "I cover my thoughts by blurting out a question, something that's been bothering me for a while." $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" "am not": "It's a silly suggestion, one that I don't even waste time disputing." d 'Me: "This will be over soon, won\'t it?"' "And not soon enough, I add to myself." bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" "": jump menu_realize_love d 'Me: "What will happen to me? I mean, after?"' show cambill fade at Revolve(0, 360, 6, bounce=True, repeat=True) d '%(cambill)s: "You..."' "He's fading away, along with his voice, and I can barely make out his words." if on_alt_path == True: d '%(cambill)s: "...must choose..."' else: d '%(cambill)s: "...will find..."' hide cambill "And he's gone, leaving me with more questions than answers." jump expression ("li_wakes_" + gen) label li_wakes_xy: "I sit, lost in thought, watching the sky." "I realize that it's gradually getting lighter..." "...the dawn will be here soon." "I swallow, hard." "There are so many things I didn't get to do." "Can fate be avoided?" "I look down at %(flia)s to find her looking back at me, silently." "She stands up and takes a step away, looking up at the sky." show fli default at center d '%(flia)s: "You looked very sad just now."' "I hesitate, not sure what to say." "Finally, I nod." if on_alt_path == True: jump alt_reveal_fate_xy d 'Me: "I... I might have to go away soon."' show fli sad at center with dissolve "She nods." d '%(flia)s: "I understand."' d '"I\'m only in the city for a little while anyway..."' d '"But I wanted you to know that I had a really..."' d '"I had a really good time tonight."' "She thinks I'm getting rid of her." "It'd be easiest if I let her think that." "Maybe kindest, too." "But some part of me wants her to know the truth." "I hesitate; I should..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "let it stand": "If I avoid my -- this body's-- fate, I can tell her the truth later..." "And if I can't, at least she won't have any regrets." $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "correct her": d 'Me: "I had a really good time too."' d '"Maybe... maybe we could do it again some time?"' show fli happy at center with dissolve d '%(flia)s: "I\'d like that, %(prot)s."' $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" if got_trinket == True: "I dig the ring the girl gave me earlier out of my pocket." menu menu_got_trinket_xy: "give": "The girl had said she couldn't take it with her..." "...and I don't think I will be able to either." "But maybe..." d 'Me: "Will you hold on to this for me?"' "%(flia)s hesitates, and then nods." $ gave_trinket = True "keep": "I hesitate, then slip it back into my pocket." "": jump menu_got_trinket_xy "say nothing": $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" pass show fli default at center jump assassin_strikes_xy label li_wakes_xx: "I sit, lost in thought, watching the sky." "I realize that it's gradually getting lighter..." "...the dawn will be here soon." "I swallow, hard." "Soon I won't have a body anymore." "There are so many things I wanted to do." "Can fate be avoided?" "I look up at %(mlia)s to find him looking back down at me, silently." "I climb to my feet, a little embarrassed." "He also stands up and stretches with a jaw-popping yawn, then looks up at the sky." show mli default at center d '%(mlia)s: "Almost dawn."' show mli embarrassed at center with dissolve d '"I\'m sorry I fell asleep. That was rude of me."' "I shake my head, but don't say anything." show mli worried at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "You looked very sad just now."' "I hesitate, not sure what to say." "Finally, I nod." if on_alt_path == True: jump alt_reveal_fate_xx d 'Me: "You... I have to go away soon."' show mli sad at center with dissolve "He nods." d '%(mlia)s: "I understand."' d '"You did say you were just visiting..."' d '"But maybe I could visit you sometime?"' show mli default at center with dissolve "I stare at him." "He doesn't know that..." "...he's going to die." "I shake my head, not trusting my voice." show mli sad at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "I understand."' "He thinks I'm getting rid of him." "It'd be easiest if I let him think that." "Maybe kindest, too." "But some part of me wants him to know the truth." d '%(mlia)s: "I\'ll walk you back to your car."' "I hesitate; I should..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "let it stand": "It's better this way." "I'm afraid..." "...but I can't let him see that." $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "correct him": d 'Me: "I do want to see you again."' d '"I just don\'t think it\'ll be possible."' show mli worried at center with dissolve d '%(mlia)s: "I don\'t understand, %(prot)s."' $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" if got_trinket == True: "I dig the ring the girl gave me earlier out of my pocket." menu menu_got_trinket_xx: "give": "The girl had said she couldn't take it with her..." "...and I don't think he will be able to either." "But maybe..." "I want him to know, at least a little, how I feel." d 'Me: "Will you hold on to this for me?"' "%(mlia)s hesitates, and then nods." "The chain fits around his neck perfectly, as if it had been made for him..." $ gave_trinket = True "keep": "I hesitate, then slip it back into my pocket." "": jump menu_got_trinket_xx "say nothing": $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" pass show mli default at center jump assassin_strikes_xx label alt_reveal_fate_xy: d 'Me: "There\'s something else."' d '"Something I didn\'t tell you earlier."' "What am I doing?" "I can't tell her..." "I hesitate; should I..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "tell": d '"I\'m..."' d '"This body is supposed to die tonight."' "I didn't mean to blurt it out like that." show fli worried at center with dissolve "She nods." d '%(flia)s: "I was afraid it was something like that."' "She sees my surprise and smiles, but her colors don't say that she's really amused." d '"You\'re not very good at hiding things."' "She doesn't say anything else..." "...what is she thinking?" show fli default at center with dissolve $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" if got_trinket == True: "I dig the ring the girl gave me earlier out of my pocket." menu menu_alt_got_trinket_xy: "give": "The girl had said she couldn't take it with her..." "...and I don't think I will be able to either." "But maybe..." d 'Me: "Will you hold on to this for me?"' "%(flia)s hesitates, and then nods." "I set it gently into her hand, and our fingers touch." $ gave_trinket = True jump alt_kiss_scene_xy "keep": "I hesitate, then slip it back into my pocket." "": jump menu_alt_got_trinket_xy "don't tell": "I can't say the words." "I know that not saying them won't make them any less real..." "But it's not fair!" "Why do I have to die?" $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "say nothing": $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" pass jump assassin_strikes_xy label alt_reveal_fate_xx: d 'Me: "There\'s something else."' d '"Something I didn\'t tell you earlier."' "What am I doing?" "I can't tell him about his fate." "I hesitate; should I..." $ total_menus += 1 menu: "tell": d '"I\'m supposed to make sure..."' d '"You\'re supposed to die tonight."' "I didn't mean to blurt it out like that." show mli worried at center with dissolve "To my surprise, he nods." d '%(mlia)s: "I kinda guessed that..."' d '"You\'re not very good at hiding things."' "His voice is light, but his colors don't say that he's really amused." "Still, he's taking it a lot better than I would have." show mli default at center with dissolve $ li_loves_pc += 2 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" if got_trinket == True: "I dig the necklace the girl gave me earlier out of my pocket." menu menu_alt_got_trinket_xx: "give": "The girl had said she couldn't take it with her..." "...and I don't think he will be able to either." "But maybe..." "I want him to know, at least a little, how I feel." d 'Me: "Will you hold on to this for me?"' "%(mlia)s hesitates, and then nods." "The chain fits around his neck perfectly, as if it had been made for him..." $ gave_trinket = True jump alt_kiss_scene_xx "keep": "I hesitate, then slip it back into my pocket." "": jump menu_alt_got_trinket_xx "don't tell": "I look at his face and I just can't bring myself to tell him." "I know that not telling him won't make his fate any less real..." "But it's not fair!" "Why does he have to die?" $ li_loves_pc += 1 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" "say nothing": $ li_loves_pc += 0 bug "li_loves_pc: %(li_loves_pc)d" pass jump assassin_strikes_xx label alt_kiss_scene_xy: show fli attracted at center with dissolve "Recklessly, I lean down and kiss her." scene black with eye_close "Whatever happens, we have right now." "...let the future take care of itself..." scene park rest_area with eye_open show fli worried at center with dissolve "I let go, and she smiles uncertainly up at me." "She starts to say something..." jump assassin_strikes_xy label alt_kiss_scene_xx: "I pause with my arms still almost around his neck." show mli attracted at center with dissolve "He looks down at me..." "...and then leans down and kisses me." scene black with eye_close "I never want this to end..." scene park rest_area with eye_open show mli worried at center with dissolve "He lets me go, smiling uncertainly." "He starts to say something..." jump assassin_strikes_xx label assassin_strikes_xy: scene park rest_area_darkest show fli default at center "I swallow, hard." "I can feel the darkness coming..." "%(flia)s seems to sense it too, and she takes a step towards me." d '%(flia)s: "%(prot)s?"' "Her voice sounds faint and far away, as I suddenly realize the killer is behind her." hide fli show killer xy at center with dissolve "She's in the way." "He doesn't care if she gets hurt." "But if I change things again..." "...will I suffer the consquences?" "I have just enough time to..." menu: "push her aside": "I dive towards her, pushing her out of the way as a gunshot cracks the air." show killer default $ ending_d += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "wait": "This is this body's -- and her-- destiny, one way or the other." "I must face it." "I hear a gunshot crack the air." $ ending_f += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "Something hits me, sending me sprawling to the ground." scene black with dissolve "I can't see her..." "I can't see anything anymore..." jump ending_intro label assassin_strikes_xx: scene park rest_area_darkest show mli default at center "I swallow, hard." "I can feel the darkness coming..." "%(mlia)s seems to sense it too, and he takes a step towards me." d '%(mlia)s: "%(prot)s?"' "His voice sounds faint and far away, as I suddenly realize the killer is behind him." hide mli show killer xx at center with dissolve "All I have to do is wait, and he'll meet his fate." "I have just enough time to..." menu: "step between them": "I shout as I dart forward, between them." show mli default at just_right show killer default at just_left d 'Me: "No, stop!"' "%(mlia)s looks at me, startled." "I don't mind..." "...at least I've saved him..." d '%(mlia)s: "%(prot)s!"' hide mli hide killer "He dives towards me, pushing me out of the way." "A gunshot cracks the air as we tumble to the ground." $ ending_d += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" "wait": "This is his destiny, one way or the other." "He must face it." "I hear a gunshot crack the air." $ ending_f += 1 bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" scene black with dissolve "I can't see anything anymore..." jump ending_intro ## Ending ## pc_loves_li 0:4 ## ending_d 0:3 and ending_f 0:3 label ending_intro: $ tmp_count = total_menus * 2 bug "pc_loves_li is %(pc_loves_li)d out of 4" bug "li_loves_pc is %(li_loves_pc)d out of %(tmp_count)d" bug "defiant ending: %(ending_d)d, fatalistic ending: %(ending_f)d" $ tmp_count = 0 "My last thought is of..." menu: "%(himher)s": "I'm sorry... I should have..." $ pc_loves_li += 1 bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" "fear": "What's going to happen to me now?" bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" "relief": "Finally, it's over..." bug "pc_loves_li: %(pc_loves_li)d" jump ending_calculator # '%(flia)s: "Why do I get the feeling you\'re not telling me everything?"'