New in 4.2 ---------- Ren'Py now ships with a common directory that is used to store the library files, as well as the files needed by a minimal game. (Such as a default font.) The idea here is to allow one to copy a game directory from one version of Ren'Py to another, and have it just work. One can upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 by deleting script.rpy, script.rpyc, library.rpy, and library.rpyc, and then copying in the game directory. We've also eliminated the default background images. To go back to the images used with Ren'Py 4.1, add the following lines to your script, and copy the images out of the 4.1 distribution, or your 4.1 based game. [code] init: $ style.mm_root_window.background = Image("mainmenu.jpg") $ style.gm_root_window.background = Image("gamemenu.jpg") $ style.window.background = Frame("frame.png", 125, 25) [/code] Fixed several bugs with the archiver. This version just might actually work on Windows. Added a new variable, config.hard_rollback_limit, which limits the number of steps the user can rollback the game, interactively. This limit now defaults to 10 steps. (suggested by Grey) Added a second parameter to renpy.pause, that allows us to pause until a particular offset in the background music is reached. (suggested by Alessio) Added keyboard mouse controls that can be used to move the mouse around on the game and main menus. This allows us to manipulate the game and main menus without having to touch the mouse. This is mostly for completeness. (suggested by Alessio) Changed the way in which overlays work. We now have the variable config.overlay_functions, which contains a list of functions, each of which returns a list of displayables that will be added to the screen. (sorta-kinda suggested by Alessio) Removed renpy.set_overlay, since config.overlay_functions is a more flexible way of doing the same thing. Now, defining the label main_menu allows you to totally replace the main menu with something of your own devising. Changed the documentation to reflect this, as well as the changes in startup that happened in 4.1. Added a program called "add_from", which adds from clauses to all bare call statements found in the program. Replaced the menu_selected and menu_unselected styles with a single menu_choice style which participates in the hover protocol. This may change user code, if you change the menu colors. To fix this, replace style.menu_selected.color with style.menu_choice.hover_color, and style.menu_unselected.color with style.menu_choice.idle_color. Added the ability to play sound effects, by calling the function. Added a preference that allows the user to control if sound effects are played or not. Added sound styles, which are used to define the sounds that are played when buttons, imagemaps, and menu choices are hovered and activated. (By default, no such sounds are played.) Implemented that annoying thing where text is typed on the screen one character at a time. Also added a preference that allows the user to disable it. Used all the restraint I could muster to avoid defaulting that preference to off. Added the ability to fade out music when changing music tracks. This is controlled by the config.fade_music variable. (suggested by Alessio) Added parameterized images, and the ability to show text as image using a command like: [code] show text "American Bishoujo Presents..." [/code] Added a Move function, which can be used in at to allow an image to be moved on the screen. This is best used when the image is smaller than the screen. (suggested by Alessio) Changed the format of archive files, to make them somewhat harder to reverse-engineer. This requires the user to regenerate the archive files. To make this easier, we now ship a batch file (called archive_images.bat) that automatically archives the images found in the game directory. Added a new function renpy.wait that is equivalent to the wait statement, and made it and renpy.pause return True if they are interrupted, or False if the run to their natural completions. This now makes it possible to jump somewhere else when the user click, rather than blindly going to the next label. For example: [code] # Actually, this runs before the library main menu. label main_menu: scene black show text "American Bishoujo\nPresents" \ at Move((0.5, 0.0), (0.5, 0.5), 3.0, xanchor='center', yanchor='bottom') if renpy.pause(6): jump _library_main_menu show text "A PyTom Game" at Position(xpos=0.5, ypos=0.5, xanchor="center", yanchor="bottom") if renpy.with(fade) or renpy.pause(4): jump _library_main_menu $ renpy.transition(fade) jump _library_main_menu [code] Updated renpy-mode.el to add imenu support, so (X)Emacs users can use the speedbar to jump around in a script. If you don't know what this means, you probably don't care. Improved the comments in the demo script, to make it a better example. Added a syntax-highlighted version of the demo script to the tutorial, to make it easier on peoples eyes. New in 4.1 ---------- Added the ability to customize the main menu by giving a list of buttons on the main menu and the labels that they jump the user to. Added the ability to center-click to hide any displayed text or menus. Added the ability to have a color mouse that we can move around the screen. Added a persistent object, which has fields that are persistent across games. Made the preferences part of this object, so that they are persisted across sessions. For simplicity's sake, made seen_ever part of that persistent object. Added a special character called "centered", which causes the text it displays to be centered in the screen without any window. Added two new styles (centered_window and centered_text), which are used for this, and a new property, textalign, which controls the horizontal alignment of text within the Text object itself. Keywords are now special in all contexts. So you can no longer include keywords in image names. Sorry. Improved parse error messages. They now include the text of the line and a caret indication the location in the line where the parse error occurred. Added a with clause to say statements and menus. This lets one display dialogue, thoughts, or menus using a transition. In conjunction with this, changed a bit the semantics of with statements, and with clauses on show, hide, and scene statements. Rewrote the section on transitions in the documentation to reflect the new reality. Added the ability to translate the text of the game menu. Together with the ability to change the main menu, this makes Ren'Py fully localizable, except for error messages. Check out the Localization section in the tutorial for more details. Added confirmations for quitting and overwriting a save game. This also includes quitting by trying to close the window. Added a preferences screen, which lets users change the Ren'Py preferences. Right now, this includes Windowed/Fullscreen, Music Enabled/Disabled, CTRL Skips Unread/All messages, and Transitions controls which transitions are performed. Added a Pan function which can be used in an at clause. This allows us to pan over a background image.